Wednesday, January 21, 2009

All Coy...of course

COY ONLY GOT UP ONCE LAST NIGHT!! Then after a 5 hour strecth he was of course staved, and drained a whole milk jug in about 3 minutes flat. *Buuurp. Hopefully we didn't just get lucky last night, but that this is his new routine :)

Since we got a new little point and shoot camera, i have been taking tons of pictures and videos. I realize that I do not need to post them all, but here are a few cute ones :)


Justin and Susie said...

Yes you do need to post all of them!!! He's Adorable!!!

Lindsay said...

awwww! he is SO cute, elissa! he looks like such a happy little man- love his expressions. can't wait to see you guys soon... :)

Paige's Parents said...

Great pictures - of course you need to post them all! :) I love the one where he is in bed with Logan and peeking out from the cute!