Monday, February 7, 2011

Grandma Erna

On January 30th, my Grandma Krisher passed away, quietly on that Sunday morning. On Monday, we packed up the van and started out journey to Wisconsin, to say goodbye and be with family when we needed family the most. Her funeral was Wednesday and burial Thursday, and even though the road there was so long, we were sooo thankful we could say goodbye to my Grandma, who meant the world to us. During the service, it was mentioned several times of her humbleness, modesty, and commitment to Grandpa, and the truth. She was SUCH a wonderful example that I aspire to be like. Of course it was hard to see her not alive and smiling, but it was so comforting and peaceful to be surrounded by family and friends who's lives she had touched in so many ways!!

We are also so thankful that we got to see her just a few weeks ago when we took our first trip out to Wisconsin. It's going to be hard to forget the look on Coy's face when he saw Grandma, sleeping in her chair, with her teeth hanging out! I bet he never knew that teeth could even come out like that :) Here is a picture of our little family with her, just 2 1/2 weeks before she passed. :)

Since Grandpa & Grandma moved up to a trailer on our place from Medford when I was 7years old, we saw them a lot, and have so many special memories...since they played such a big part in our childhood.
*She alwas, always, always grew tomato plants on the front porch, and an aloe plant on the kitchen counter, which I liked to snap open and squeeze the aloe out of.
 *Through the years, they cut out Marmeduke comics and made their own comic book, which got a lot of use from the grandkids!
*They LOVED our dog Chelsea. Grandpa was not where, Chelsea was not. When the dog got in trouble at our house, she'd make a bee-line across the yard and over the barn hill to their place, where she was always welcomed with pats and treats.
* Grandma and Grandpa sat by eachother at every meal. And I don't mean just next to eachother, or across from eachother..I mean their CHAIRS touched. I loved that :)
* I'd like to go visit them up at the trailer, and when I'd been there long enough, I'd know it was time to go home, but not exactly wanting to say "good bye". But thats ok, because I liked sitting in the quiet of their house with them, munching on stale popcorn.
*We usually got a deer count from Grandpa. He'd sit at the kitchen table and count the deer out in the field...and report it. These things you just HAVE to know, I guess ;)

Sigh...and many many more memories!


Heather S said...

oh sweet memories! such a dear lady. glad for the privledge to know her and your grandpa.

Melissa said...

What a BEAUTIFUL post, Lis...I love it. Your grandparents were both such sweet, kind people I admired!

Janette said...

We didn't know your grandparents, except to meet your grandma at the time of your wedding.....but we are sure they were fine people because they have a mighty fine grandaughter. Glad you got to say goodbye! D & J