Saturday, January 30, 2010

Coy met the Cat in the Hat today. He liked him better far away.

He also signed "more milk please"!! With more intensity then words can show, though. Every night, as soon as the microwave beeps, he right below it, frantically signing "please please please". But he won't eat his veggies when I say "please please please", of course.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

what's your temp?

Let me just start off by saying, it was SO hard picking out just a FEW pictures from this week. There have been so many sweet smile and cute things the boys have done

So THIS is what fresh air does to ya... :) The boys and I bundled up and walked to the post office the other day, and Coy walked by himself the whole way! Benters rode up high of course.

Yup, that's a phone AND a thermometer we're talkin on today! We know how interesting a conversation on the phone can be...and only to a toddler can a high piched BEEP be just as fun..

I had to get a little bouncer for Bentley so that I could put him somewhere where his big bro could NOT TOUCH HIM! Here he looks happy on the table, untouchable.

There's that thermometer again

I must check it out, theres got to be something about it way more interesting then anything I play with...

Monday, January 25, 2010

another sweet little life...aaron rio

Last week Sarah, the boys, and I went to meet Aaron Rio Pheifer when he was just two days old! He's so precious, and has some pretty wonderful big sisters! Sure is a lucky lil guy!

Now that there is Aaron, there will be 3 girls and 3 boys when we are together with Ade and Anna. That's good I suppose...Coy was kind of getting sick of lots of hugs and kisses from all those girls... ;)

Even though it wasn't that long ago, it was different holding such a tiny babe again! (Bentley was 2 in. longer and 2 lbs. heaver when he was born)

I predict that these two chums, just two months apart will by good buds!

Sarah, Aaron & Aaron

We all went for a refreshing walk around the block in Anaconda. Here are me and my two sweet little boys. You can only see one though... ;)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Forgot to note:
Bentleys 2 month well check was yesterday. We've decided to call him the "Long and Lean Bentley Machine". Weight: 11 lbs 7 oz (45%) Length: 24 in (85%)

funny face

We'll get to the funny face in a minute here...

These boys are buddies! I love how Coy always has a hug, or pacifier for Bentley

Benters first smiled at Grandpa B over New Years...and been smiling ever since! I got the tail end of a smile's so sweet!

Adrian and Anna sent us home with a rocking horse, which Coy looks so cute on! This momma says this is the only buckin horse this little cowboys gonna ride ;)

Konked out with Auntie Sarah...sigh.

This cracked Coy up. Me too of course! You can tell by his walk that it must distort your vision a little? Either that or the pretend snowmobile fumes were gettin to him!

THIS is how much dental floss is in one small container...

And this my our funny face
P.S. Many hugs to Adrian and Anna and the girls, who this morning welcomed baby Aaron into their family!

Friday, January 15, 2010

New Years 2010

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We spent a wonderful New Years up in Kalispell with Mom and Dad B., Hugh and Carmen and all our adorable kids!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Cold December, Warm Hearts

Here are pictures mostly from Christmas, along with a few others.

Coy found a good hiding place. Now if he could only get a flashlight, toys, and get the door shut...just kidding.

He's still being a good big brother. He likes to have chats with Bentley when he's in the swing, like in this picture. In this picture, however, Benters isn't buying the story. Im kind of worried that the swing will collapse someday...uh oh.

Christmas was wonderful this year! Mom, Dad, Aunt Mary and Uncle Dale flew in Christmas eve, and we went up to Mary's for Christmas dinner on Friday. We had a lot of fun playing games with cousins and eating super good food. All was nice, except me getting mastitis for the second time since Bentley was born. So, I had to call my poor midwife who was trying to enjoy Christmas morning, and run in and get antibiotics. Saturday us ladies went to the mall scouting out the after christmas deals, then ended up at Mary's again playing more games. Mom and Dad stayed for a week, and man, the boys got spoiled! :)
(Uncle Dale and Bentley)
(Just had to add this one rugged...)
(Mom and littleist grandbaby)

Grandpa shared his boots with Coy! They were a teensy bit big, but that didn't stop Coy from trying to walk in them. Grandma again getting cuddles in with Benters. Next time they get to see eachother, he'll be much bigger I'm sure! Pictures can't satisfy though, so I'm so glad that they got to see him when he was so tiny yet.
Dude, Coy thinks Grandpa is the best! Dad got him a "house", which he loves....especially with Grandpa IN it! There's a cool opening in the top, good for peeking out of...or in this case, catapulting out of. Boys (no matter the age)...sigh ;)

And, these last pictures conclude Mom and Dad's visit. It was so hard to see them go through security and up to their gate...but I suppose that it won't be long (hopefully) before they will get to see us coming thu their front door. Thanks SO incredibly much for a fun, relaxing, nice visit mom and dad!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Three years ago today, Jan 6 2007 I married my very best friend, Logan. It seems like it's been forever, not in a bad way, but in the way where I can't remember clearly how my life was before I met him. My life since that summer when we fell in love has felt complete, meaningful, and been full of love. Happy Anniversary honey!

Monday, January 4, 2010

The shirts say it all....big bro and little bro...

He IS a big help...really!

There is so much that I need to post, which I plan on doing....fairly soon.