Monday, February 2, 2009

Click to play Coy is 4 months old!
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Ashley said...

I can't believe he's 4 MONTHS already! He soooo looks like daddy!! Miss you guys!! And Lis you look amazing!!

Carmen said...

Very cute. Can't wait to see him again. Who is Mackenzie? :)

Lindsay said...

oh my GOODNESS,the photo of the legos on his head made me laugh SO hard, i almost peed my pants!! too cute- can't wait to see you guys, less than 2 weeks!! love you:)

Lindsay said...

i hope we get as lucky as you did... gastroenteritis is the one thing i can't deal with well when it comes to viruses. poor kelvin- at least he's getting plenty of peace and quiet and we both can use the bathroom freely!!